Archive for September, 2006

Culinary experiment gone awry

On Today’s Episode of the Daily Tannenbaum Cook:

Rice milk is a wonderful product for anyone out there who despises cow’s milk as much as I do. When I want to eat cereal but don’t want to spend the rest of the afternoon in the bathroom trying to digest the milk, rice milk is what I add. Even when I’m baking a cake or making oatmeal, rice milk is a yummy, fat-free substitute. However, when making instant pudding, you need to remember that rice milk is not half-way to butter like cow’s milk, and no matter how many minutes you wisk that pudding, you’ll still have a liquid.

$240 worth

Earlier this evening, I had to make an emergency run to the 24 hour Stop & Shop to buy a box of vanilla pudding* and it made me miss Manhattan so much. At my old place, my late night pudding needs could be filled by the bodega nestled at the end of my street. Two minutes and $4.99 later, that box of pudding was mine. Tonight, I had to get in the car, start the car, wait for it to warm up (you see, it doesn’t go into gear until it’s cozier than my cat in a pile of down comforter), get blinded by the asshat driving with his brights on, drive 5 miles to the grocery store, purchase my pudding, spend 10 minutes trying to find the perfect wedding card**, pay $0.89 for pudding, make chit-chat with the checkout girl “no that wasn’t a shooting going on outside, someone set of fireworks in the parking lot,” hop back in the car, drive another 5 miles, finally make it home.

*I’m going to a wedding this weekend, and the pudding is an integral part of my wedding present. I’d explain how, but I don’t want to alienate my readers.

**I dislike any kind of card that isn’t funny, so buying wedding cards is a real pain in the ass because they’re all sentimental. Most invoke some deity, and I can’t get behind that, and I don’t think the couple getting married can either. Almost ALL of them have glitter, which is like saying, “I admit this present and this card really are for the woman, let’s not pretend that the groom is willing to cross the room to read this card.” Many of them have these didactic statements about what marriage is. “Marriage is a commitment.” “A union between two souls is a sacred thing.” “Don’t forget to give your in-laws the best goats.” All the remaining cards have rhyming couplets, and that simply makes me angry. In the end I spun in a circle three times and pointed to a card at random. Boy, are they going to love the “So sorry to hear of your grandmother’s passing” card! I glued some glitter on it to make it more appropriate.

…And When We’re Gone From Here, Our Friends Will be Drinking All Our Beer

Rules of Kickball #2

There is a scientific reason for why one plays better after having a few beers. As I have previously described, balls thrown towards one’s person are frightening. But when you have lowered inhibitions, well, anything goes.
Our fine new team won our first game by more than 10 runs.

When you search Google Images for “kickball” the search results bring up this picture. I have no idea why.

She’s going the distance

I went running yesterday for the first time in… A really long time, actually. And yes, when I say “running” it was mostly walking with occasional bouts of “let me see if I can run as far as that mailbox” followed by blinding cramps, some possible nerve damage, and a ride home in an ambulance. Other than that, it was fantastic to get out and explore the neighborhood a little. The road I took has actual farms with actual cows on it! As I hobbled by the cows’ barn in my modified run/walk and inhaled the fragrant manure drenched air, for just a minute I recollected running on the George Washington Bridge like I used to, breathing in the car exhaust. Fresh air is for pussies.

wake me up when it’s match point

Went to the US Open with Sister Alyson and Daddy John Monday night. Like all the sporting events I’ve been to this year, it WENT ON WAY TO LONG. I’ve had it up to here with these balanced competitors. What I wouldn’t give for a quick brutal slaying of the opponent and a chance to be snuggled in my warm bed a mere two hours later.

Professional tennis is a lot stupider than many other sporting events. Because it’s just about two players, the game breeds divas like no other. For example, there are more than a dozen people judging, cleaning, and recording one little court with two players. I became so fascinated by these serfs serving their tennis lords, I took count of them:
Players – 2
Judge on a high chair – 1
Line officials (sole job: stare at a white line to see which side the ball lands on and hope that the back up computer doesn’t prove you wrong a moment later) – 7
Boom op – 1
Camera ops – 2
Security guards – 2
VIPs, or people with no discernable purpose – 6
Number of serfs that get to sit for the entire match – 8
Number of chairs given to each player – 2

This blog is not yet rated

When in New York City for the weekend, you have to take advantage of the things you can only do in New York City: the restaurants, the subway, and the movies that come out weeks before they’re shown to the rest of the world, if they even get to the rest of the world. Trends are slow to travel 90 miles up the parkway to the Hudson Valley. Mission Impossible III just opened here this weekend, on BOTH screens in the mall.

So while in the city visiting The Man of Action, the new documentary “This Film is Not Yet Rated” was put at the top of the to do list because it’s playing at exactly one theatre on the East Coast. If you live in Manhattan or if you can wait for the DVD or if the film gets distributed somewhere near you, I recommend it. What I do not recommend, however, is the short feature we saw before the movie about a man in a turkey suit wrestling a man in an E.T. mask under really bad exterior lighting. I hope the filmmaker in charge of that avant guard claptrap submits the movie to the MPAA and get an NC-17 rating so that no one will ever have to see it again.

I confess, I can be thick

On Saturday night I joined some of the girls for FDP’s bachelorette party. All five of us used to be NYC residents, and four of us have since abandoned the big apple and were quite happy to be back. Being old pros, we returned to some of our favorite establishments of eating and drinking including a Mexican place, a Cuban place, and an additional Mexican place. Despite the hurricane moving through the area (or perhaps because of the storm,) we had a great time. The other girls were professing their love for and toasting to Ernesto. Despite being a humble person of great intelligence, I had no idea that they were talking about the name of the storm system that was surging through the area. I thought “Ernesto” was the name of our waiter at one of those restaurants.

More than Words

Last night Birmingham and I met up with kickball friends at a bar. We grabbed a table with the best vantage point for people watching, because the place was filled with some classic douchebags with weird hair, some deaf guys in Hawaiian shirts, a lot of people who must have come from an 80’s night at some other bar, and a pair we liked to call “Thema and Louise” because it looked like they made a wrong turn out of Louisiana in 1991, and have been line dancing their way across the country to find the perfect denim ensemble ever since. They might have also been pre-op transexuals, but no one was sure enough to bet on it.

My favorite line of the evening came while they were flirting with the guys who were talking in sign language, and Tink pointed out, “They’re deaf, not BLIND!” And as the whitest rock and roll cover band in the world started to rock out, we all kind of wished we were deaf, too.